
OMG I just watched the terrible Nicholas Cage stinker LEFT BEHIND and it was terrible and it stank. But i did enjoy the rapture bit.

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Now try Nicholas Cages Jiu Jitsu

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by John Birmingham

Snow Piercer the TV show was also quite grim, although I've not seen the movie version :)

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You are right, On The Beach is an epic downer. Good book, tho.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by John Birmingham

Morena makes everything extra hot. Combine her with Laura Vandervoort in V, and it really gets steamy ;-) .

Okay so no world shattering, but the doctor ordered splosions and senseless violence? Try this: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-East/0OUPLE2B3ZTNAUDNFVGJ1RR20O

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Most up non-splosion end of the world has to be The Quiet Earth. Four actors wander around New Zealand and Bruno Lawrence gets naked. What's not to like? Especially their reason for being alive.

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Great flick. The final shot is spectacular.

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Thanks for the heads up Greenland was in my to-watch list. Oh my god Black Summer - no one who is kind or generous is positively rewarded. Mind you neither are arse hats. In the fun end of the world category where we once had Saun of the Dead I would like to add Anna and the apocalypse which I really enjoyed. A musical zom-com.

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homo sapiens "wold" handle (a piece of high, open, uncultivated land or moor?)

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