That sent a few memory shocks down the synapse network. Miss the Havsy v FKn SJS FkN MUppet cage fights.

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I was lurking at the Blunt Instrument some time around then. Took me a good few months to muster up the courage to comment, if I remember rightly.

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geez, a few years after but even a reference to children overboard.

And those old names of boylan, bondiboy, murph, flinthart. Makes me wonder how long i've been lurking around here.

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i can date back to when i did a handle change on here when i changed to "formerly known as Simon" and Prince died a few days later and i felt maybe i should keep it in honour of the memory and that was 2016 (same year as David Jones - that was a big blow to music that year. Two big giants knocked off the perch). But i was hanging around a little bit before then as well.

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Imagine the naivety of someone, not me, saying this before Twitter existed..."That Wordpress is just too fucking huge for my liking....and licking. I'll wear my poor fricken tongue out yelling at ev'ryone. Just TOO MANY."

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So funny. But yet I feel so old. 2006 was a really long time ago, these days.

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It even has Spam comments!

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Technology! Is there anything it can't do?

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This reminded me of the old AOL chat rooms yrs ago. Logging on with the old modem , checking out the rooms . Debate politics was all the rage and actually gave a glimpse into the future and how toxic social media would become later. The arguments got personal and nasty, personal info given out etc. seems mild now. Unfortunately

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Ah the great crash of JSpace, bit of a shock at the time. 'There seems to be some movement at the JS station. It may not be completely dead.'.....bold prediction at the time JB! Oh well, a bit of evolution never hurt nobody.

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Nov 23, 2023
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Very good question! I dont know.

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