This is me exactly except I for the whole Ninefax thing. I'm also staying off Twitter until after the US election just to get my face out of the firehose pressured flood of US election/covid related posting for a while. My brain needs a break from it.

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Its even crazier at the level of local government, we are in such an election and like you my limited review of those putting their hands up is to try and identify the nazis and god botherers to put them last on my list of 9 candidates. Surprising how few of them have an actual on-line presence you can view. For a couple, I think most will choose based on the one column provided in the postal election ballot.

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As an American, I read the news (and sometimes listen to it or view it) simply to see the Trumpian Outrage of the Day. It seems strange but yes, there seems to be a daily outrage. Luckily, I have taken advantage of early voting, which was cathartic. I no longer care about the Outrage of the Day because I can do nothing about it; so I have cancelled my LA Times and Wall Street Journal subscriptions. Next I'm cancelling the New York Times and Washington Post. Gone is cable television--and the screaming talking heads on news shows--everything now is streamed and cherry-picked content. I'm the head cherry picker, too.

I lost many old friends with whom I had nothing in common because I got fed up with the shitstorm of politics on Facebook and so shut that account down. Twitter? It's not worth the continuous effort to wade through the bushwa just to find a pearl every now and then.

One by one I am turning off the screams from the outside world. Like you, I enjoy it. The White Noise of [Untrue] Reality has become the science fiction event that turns out the lights and ushers in a blessed darkness.

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Also an American here. I have every intention of deleting all of my social media and nonsense subscriptions once Trump is dead, incarcerated, or voted out. I just can't keep up anymore. But there's this sort of mad fascination with Trump himself. Plus, I follow a few AP journalists who are good for breaking news, which is important in times of COVID.

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It would be nice if they gave us an extra option on the ballot... "None Of The Above". If they're going to make us vote, at least give us a choice to not vote for them... ß-Þ

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You should check your voting rules. Don't know about Qld, but in a few jurisdictions they've changed so that after a few pips your vote can "exhaust". Done properly that can have exactly the same effect as the vote that you described, but you get the satisfaction of not having given the Nazis any chance.

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Hmm. Qld had optional preferential for a while, but I think they got rid of it.

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