If the glass broke on the copy machine that would be quite a story for the ER peeps.

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Years ago, I listened to an interview with the boss of a large public relations company explaining what they do.

“And here is our social engagement section. These people spend their day posting positive reviews and comments on the internet on behalf of our clients. They really are at the core of what a public relations business can do.”

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. . . and what a finely-sculpted arse it is, too. The arse of a classical statue, a Michealangeline arse. I don't have the arse for such things, I'd just crack the platen glass* and regender myself, and not in a fashionable way.

*ask me how I know its name.

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I heard that these injuries used to be common enough that they could track office christmas parties by them.

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Sending one's arse as an email attachment just isn't the same.

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....is a dish served warm and after a plateful of beans

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Actually Justice has to be served cold otherwise its justwater

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Good grief.

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