There is a lot to be said for being an isolationist. I copped it for the first time in September - from my next door neighbour. Won't be letting her breathe on me again!

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Not just COVID vaccines but any such as flu, shingles, diptap and I have never had any significant reaction other than the initial sting. I occasionally worry that maybe my immune system isn't reacting at all. Like you I am also a novid (never had covid) to the best of my knowledge. As of Dec 2023 I know was COVID free as I had a PCR test as part of a blood bank program. I really hope none of us have to test out our precautions against airborne Viruses against any new Virus but I suspect the 21 century has more surprises ahead for humanity on this front.

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That’s a pretty impressive record.

I’ve been vaccinated 3 times and had light cases of Covid 3 times. Nothing was as bad as my reaction to the first vaccine.

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I had Covid in late November. Full recovery just in time to jet off to Europe with a cloak of immunity and a smugness that could not be penetrated. It's all about timing folks.

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Yes, I too am a Novid, and probably for much the same reasons as you. Haven't had a booster for a couple of years. Fuck it, went to check the Medicare app and now it's locked because of some MyGov bullshit. Anyhoo, still see plenty of peeps masking up in my limited travels.

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Same, still haven't had it and haven't had a booster in a very very long time.

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I remember covid.

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Off to Europe on the weekend. Let's see how we go keeping our novid status! Boosted out the wazzoo...

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