… and I am paying for it today. Feels like I smashed out an epic weightlifting session and ran a half marathon. Backwards.
I always get this reaction to whatever Covid vaccine I have, except for the original AstraZeneca, so I planned a quiet one today. I’m going to read Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend and slow-cook some lamb shoulder on the Big Green Egg. By tomorrow I should be back to normal.
I’m still a COVID virgin, the only one in our house who hasn’t caught it yet. As much as I’d like to credit my rock-hard immune system, I think it probably has more to do with working from home and rarely seeing any other human beings outside of the family.
I had Covid in late November. Full recovery just in time to jet off to Europe with a cloak of immunity and a smugness that could not be penetrated. It's all about timing folks.
There is a lot to be said for being an isolationist. I copped it for the first time in September - from my next door neighbour. Won't be letting her breathe on me again!