Yeah- drive-ins used to be a part of the landscape. They still are- as skeletal wasteland structures good as the backdrop to zombie apocalypse films.

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Now that's a great premise: needing to escape the zombies at the drive-in but also needing to charge up to 80%.

I have an EV and the struggle is real.

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And that's a nightmare scenario you've outlined. King would love it.

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Yeah, I'm waiting on the whole EV thing's infrastructure to improve before I take the plunge. Here in rural-wastelandville I still haven't seen a Supercharger or such yet. But I am upgrading to a hybrid Ford Maverick at the end of the month, gently drifting toward eventual no-straight gas burners.

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You are spot on its amazing in how many post apocalyptic settings drive inns feature. I can remember a certain drive in that featured in Fallout 3 (or possibly New Vegas) that constantly spawned enemies whenever I came near.

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That is indeed one of the films I was thinking of.

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The only thing I see wrong with this is the proliferation of EVs with built in screens and streaming apps that let you Netflix while you charge your car, rendering the giant screen and speaker system obsolete.

Just put a charger on every carpark everywhere.

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I was in Canada a while ago and saw a power outlet at every space in a hotel car park. turns out they need to plug the engine of the car in to stop it freezing in winter. I know its a slightly bigger charge required but it can be done.

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There's an office carpark I use that has 4 specialist chargers for EVs on each of the 3 levels, but they're slow chargers (ie not like the kinds that you need on the highways to get you in and out in 15-20 minutes). It's great, don't get me wrong, but not much different from just having a regular power outlet, which they could probably have in just about every parking space that's next to a wall, if they wanted.

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