As a Farscape fan I still have to rewatch the episode where they rift on other Science Fiction series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whfMMfR4KKw

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OMG. I've never seen that bit before! Or the Thunderbirds shout out that dropped into my youtube feed immediately after it. https://youtu.be/g9XrrEaZ7Y4

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I remember watching the series fondly some years later when the whole arc had finished. A little sad that Stargate Universe never got more than a single season.

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I loved Universe. I thought it was set up for a really long arc.

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I'll see you and raise you - our youngest ended being named Daniel.. We were watching an awful lot of SG1 at the time.....

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First thing I did when I retired was watch all the seasons in a row and then the movies and finally the spin-offs

Good times.

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I adored SG1, and loved Atlantis.

SG1 was, in fact, playing in the delivery room when my eldest was born (hey, it was a long labour, we were both bored, and it's the ideal thing for a labouring woman to drop in and out of as a distraction).

Apparently the rights have been picked up by Amazon, so I'm hopeful of a) easy streaming access soon and b) the pickup of the long-rumoured Next Stargate.

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i'm currently stuck in a never ending loop of star trek and spinoffs. They never end. (although alleviating it with some lower decks is pretty funny seeing all the references they riff on from the originals)

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Can I commend to you The Orville? What started as a low grade Star Trek homage with some (!) humour, has morphed in the current season into some pretty good Space Opera thanks to a change and increase of funding. Better SFX, some challenging storylines, it ain't half bad!

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Ha. Yeah - The Orville gets lumped into the category of trek stuff (even though it is its own beast). Been watching it - a bit unsure about the serious turn it took, i change my mind every time i think about it. Some of their social commentary gets a bit sledgehammerish but overall its a good show.

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