But if it was the latest iTractor from Apple(TM)?

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Even if you're not looking, you'd be a fool not to arrange a test drive at those prices.

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My theory of advertising in the internet age: you already know how to find out anything about anything that you're interested in. So it is in no one's interest to pay to show you that stuff. So the only things that appear in advertisements are things that you _aren't_ interested in, but which someone is willing to pay for you to see anyway. So all advertising is rubbish these days.

Thanks for the elegant proof by example!

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What the hell? Those are serious tractors for very large farms. You can do a lot with a small, multi-purpose 30-40k JD.

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It's clear that you really have no idea about what you actually want...or need...

Of course, in my patent searching identity, I often get random things popping up in my searches only because the keywords I used happened to also occur for whatever reason in that publication. The worst/most surprising one was a special table for...ah...extracurricular activities including some that rhyme with deverse wowgirl and moggy.

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Have you been watching Clarkson's Farm?

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I reckon I could get you a sweet deal on finance if you buy one of them tractors.

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