What's the state of play with the third Zero Day Code audiobook John? Great, if uncomfortably prescient, series that.

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Hey Stephen. I submitted the final ms a couple of months ago, and have been paid for it. But I haven't heard back about a release date. I think I'm gonna have to ask.

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"Second book shallows." Awesome!

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Love that phrase!

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Yeah, as you know I'm in the same "shallows" at the moment, too.

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I was just thinking that you're smashing through your shallows quite well at the moment, but then I'm judging your output and not the angst that produced it 😂

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The latest trilogy sat until I was prodded by certain Australian types...so I owe much thanks. I'm running a little behind schedule, but I hope to have Book Three done by the end of March. Then what happens with it- who knows.

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