Who wants to sweat and grunt with a bevy of onlookers? Not I. Sounds like you found a good one, sir.

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I have no wish to chat while I wheeze through my 30 min or cardio or lifting......that’s what bars are for .... but we aren’t 20 something anymore .... that world is as foreign and frightening as it gets.... I don’t know how the youngsters even meet anymore with the minefield of PC

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Pretty sure that PC isn't the issue for meeting potential partners when most of it is online. It's dodging the dick-pics and ghosting of Tinder/grindr whatever takes your fancy. Sounds as un-PC as it gets and equally frightening as far as I'm concerned.

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My gym set up is a combo of a repurposed garage and a nearby gym. My garage is only large enough for a bar, weights, DBs, kettle bell, TRX straps and a bench . I would love to get one of those Verve foldaway racks, but I don't have the height clearance. Those 24-hour Fitness Plus joints just did my head in. Usually overcrowded with young guys and girls who workout for 10 minutes, followed by 15 minutes sitting on a bench gawping at their phones. Not to mention those overhead screens showing either soapie of the week or music videos. Once a week I have a session with a trainer at a gym that just does one-on-one training. Nice guy who is also an assistant trainer the Balmain under 21s on the side. My only requirement is that there is nothing left in the tank after 45 minutes. He has not failed me yet.

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You're a fitness angel Mr B. I'm sure your FB buddy will be grateful for your efforts.

Also, I can't think of anything worse than having to exercise with a group of strangers, what in the seven hells is this new fad of fitness classes for young people? Why must they destroy anti social solo exercising for the rest of us? (get off my lawn etc etc).

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