May 1, 2023Liked by John Birmingham

Check out The Diplomat on Netflix if you haven't already, absolutely cracking stuff. I had a "oh I'll see what this is like..." moment with starting it and then burned through the whole series in a week (as you do).

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May 1, 2023Liked by John Birmingham

Anecdata, but your bureaucrat is spot on. A friend only realised that her father was a spy after he retired. All through childhood he'd come home from work every day and say that he read a bit, thought a bit and then wrote a bit. That's all.

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I watched the first two eps following your reco. It is enjoyable so far, but some of the dialogue is cringe. The Diplomat is top notch.

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"A realistic spy thriller would probably follow some drab bureaucrat into his office for 7.52 hours a day, and look over his shoulder while he or she read a bunch of reports and news clips" wasn't that the basis of George Smiley in John le Carré's "Calls for the Dead"?

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