Jesus. What a time.

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Love the Oatmeal, his stuff on running marathons is pretty accurate

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Parrots as pets are the pits. I think its because they bond to one human in the house and then get very territorial. My partner's family inherited a sun conure that someone thought would be a wonderful pet in an apartment in Sydney. Until all the complaints. Then got given to my sister in law who brought it home and then left to do life as kids do when they grow up. Corny spent a good life out in the country as a he until she laid an egg several years later. But it was the scourge of all who visited (including the aforementioned sister in law) - like a colourful bullet of hate flying unerringly towards any unexposed soft bits, like ears, if she wasn't locked up before you got in the house. That sister in law actually brought home an abandoned feral kitten that was also a furry ball of hate to any visitors. I was positive Baggles (short for Bagheera) and Corny conspired together to attack anyone unfortunate enough to sit perched on a lounge chair watching tv in a state of heightened awareness.

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This sounds like hell with feathers.

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to be fair they also had a rescued galah that couldn't fly anymore and that was sweet and good as much as Corny was bitter and twisted. All it ever wanted was someone to talk to it and give it good scritches on the back of its head. It also loved a good dance, like Iggy Pops cockatoo.

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I as well subscribe though I have had issues when I click on the link and the connection not resolving. I am going to assume its becasue so many subscribe and when they click on it it overwhelms the system.

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Diabetic cannibal 🤣

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