Nice!! Another one I'm keen to load up. Have you perchance seen the Peripheral? Thoughts if so?

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It’s on my watchlist, but I haven’t got there yet

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The Peripheral is great. We had to pause and not binge it. Self restraint is not my strong suit.

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Binged all the episodes to date. Gripping and funny. Lots of action.

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Agreed. Quality sci-fi.

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I was just about to mention that myself. So far I’m a fan . Decent sci fi is tough to find .

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When I think of stallone I think of Judge DREDD and remember the fantastic costumes and art direction. His new Superhero movie on Prime is pretty good too.

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I really liked the first two episodes. I even watched them twice which is extremely rare. I find refreshing to see how a guy from the 90s would be confused by all the modern idiosyncrasies. Very funny and touching, which is highly unusual for “tough guy” Stallone.

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Some really great work by the supporting characters too

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Ta for the tip, copland was great.

But when are we gonna get the legends of dune on streaming?

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dammit - heard about this the other day listening to the radio but it is unfortunately on one of the streamings we don't have. I would say maybe we could dump disney once the kids bugger off but i've been watching a lot of disney lately. The buying power is strong with that one. Prime and netflix tend to have a few flagship series and then just litter their catalogue with the 7 weeklys for $7 calibre of movie. Although i was on a kick of watching amazon and all those really crappy 80s horror movies that at some point in the first 45mins you say "was this a money laundering exercise? How did it get made? and who threw money at it thinking it was a good idea? was there a lot of coke involved?"

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But, but my to watch list...... it is already too long.

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Based on the preview I'm imagining Lillyhammer (Steve van Vandt) with big hats and no snow. I saw Copland for the first time recently - great flick

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