Hmm ... What if G Gordon Liddy was a sleeper agent ? Watergate was a brilliantly conceived op by ....the French DSGE . Who are themselves infiltrated by HYDRA....no help here I’m afraid .

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No, but you made me laugh.

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Can you date the journal entry, and correlate it to some strata in the pile o'shame?

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Doubt it, but I'm desperate enough to try.

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I'd absolutely read that. Feels like a good title for a fantasy cop buddy movie to me - maybe along the lines of Simon R Green's Hawk and Fisher, or Dale Lucas's Rem and Torval, but as Pinkertons hunting Jack the Ripper, noted industrial espionage specialist? Rapiers and derringers ahoy!

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I know right! I want it read it right now, let alone write it.

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Maybe you read The Sword and Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive, because the KGB was embarrasingly low-tech compared to their American counterparts.

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"Because “Cloke and Dagg’r” is a great name for an epic fantasy novel set in a proto-Dickensian London where spies are the ruling class." Gotta be steampunk too. Maybe with Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper as bit players. Actually I could be thinking of Anno Dracula by Kim Newman...

I did some rudimentary googling based on the very specific spelling of Cloke and Dagg'r, and the only history book I managed to find was this:


I can't imagine it's a history book you would have made a note to yourself about though 😥

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