Hands in the air for Jason Lambright, who finishes his successful alternate history of WW1 with the release of The Stone Marker this week. It’s Volume 3 in his King’s Ohio Rifles series, a what-if premised on the US remaining a British dominion.
I did the formatting work for the Kindle edition, so any fucks up in layout are down to me. The story is great, the characters are well drawn, and the SPLODEY of course is top shelf.
well as the highly regarded monarch of world war alternative histories, Harry Turtledove co-emperor, you would certainly be the one to bestow worthiness on such a works.
Thanks, guys, and big thanks to JB! Nice to finally get this out there.
Love this series so much! Can't wait to read the final installment!
Huzzah! What an achievement! Congratulations Mr Lambright 🥳
Yep stuck it in the Kindle on day of release. Reading through at slow pace!
Highly recommend it. Mr Lambright is getting better with every word he writes.
well as the highly regarded monarch of world war alternative histories, Harry Turtledove co-emperor, you would certainly be the one to bestow worthiness on such a works.
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah