I'm all about losing weight, and happy to do it by cutting out evening carbs, pastry-based snacks and upping the cardio exercise.

I think if the health goal is a bit more niche- like recovering from surgery or an illness- then there's a very sound argument for a nutritionist and medical supervision.

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There is increasing evidence that we're all super individual special snowflakes when it comes to antibiotics, medicines, and yes, nutrition and exercise. The next big frontier is personalised medicine and other therapies, so seeking out a nutritionist for a personalised approach to your diet totally makes sense. As you've noted before, your cholesterol tolerance super power means that the rest of us can't follow your plan without risking exploding our arteries...

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Yeah, I'm starting to think that gross generalities are just that, and that we each need to find our own little exercise and nutritional niche. I'm so glad I don't have a gluten intolerance, cos I do loves me some gluten. OTOH, hot buttered crumpets, which I also love, seem to give me migraines. I haven't had one in decades. Not that Katelyn would let me anyway.

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Oh no! Admittedly I've not had a hot buttered crumpet in quite some time, but I have the luxury of having one if the urge strikes. To run the gauntlet of getting a migraine if you had one is rough.

I too love me some gluten, and some protein too, I'm very glad not to be gluten intolerant.

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You should try fresh sourdough crumpets, see if they work. Easy and so, so good

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Can confirm. Excellent way to use starter you were going to throw away.

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Can't you collaborate with a ghost eater?

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What a great job that would be.

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I've hovered at the 95kg mark for ages now - I'm 180cms and don't look huge as its fairly evenly distributed but also haven't seen a doc in ages (or a dentist but i still have all my teeth). At 47 going on 48 that little annoying voice at the back of my head is getting louder "go and start seeing docs on the reg, you are getting old and also need to lose a couple of kgs". There's no real family history of illnesses to speak of and everyone tends to make it to ripe old ages in the line (unless you get taken out by alcoholism, but my two uncles were in the merchant navy and i think that had a lot to do with it) but i think i'm relying on that history a bit too much.

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I'm trying to think what sort of dish you could make with the salmon, steak and chicken pictured. I can imagine the basil and nuts converted into a pesto, but you'd need quite a lot of basil to make enough pesto to make all of those pieces of meat look like food. No idea what to do with the boiled eggs. Probably just snack on them while you're cooking the rest.

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Protein smoothies are the easiest way. Scoop of whey or plant-based protein, add in almond/oat milk, add in some fruit, blend it up and bingo. Six-pack abs!

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100% this.

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My son and DIL, who are into weightlifting, have made the same complaint about getting enough protein.

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It is surprisingly hard

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Interestingly I hadn't realised until I watched a live comedy piece by Dara O'Briain that 'nutritionist' isn't a protected term, anyone can call themselves a 'nutritionist' the professional protected term in Australia and the UK is 'Dietitian'.

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My nutritionist is a qualified dietician (UQ, of course) but I hadn’t realised there was a difference.

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weirdly nutritionist sounds more sciency than dietician to my ears.

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Fizzy water does wonders for me. Probably more expensive than petrol, but stops me going for the pastries.

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There's the possibility of DIY fizzy water. I started with a kegerator, for the obvious reasons. Fizzy water was just a nice freebie. I run 3 kegs. One is always fizzy.

It also helps to not drik from the other two taps

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I started fasting about 4 years ago after a comment from Flinthart caught my eye and I had a few discussions with him. Completely Rewired my body and brain to an extent as well

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Yeah i can't come at fasting. I have enough trouble making my protein targets in 24 hours, let alone 6.

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