I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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F’N A . Where’s Vasquez?

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Can't wait for the pornographic film version,

World Whore, 3 into 1.

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The Axis of Tina series you mean ... Tina does Tijuana, Tahiti, Tirana, Tytjerkstradiel ...

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You forgot Toowoomba

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This is deeply disturbing to me. I've been tracking other authors that have had their shit pirated by numbskulls. In some cases, these knuckleheads have published super crappy ebooks under a well-known author's name and pocketed the name-recognition fast buck. Please keep us advised on this matter.

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Ripping off ebooks is really common. Stealing someone's name too. But I've never heard of a print on demand scam before. The margins are too low.

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Why Netherlands? Is there a particularly lucrative Birmingham following over there?

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Not that I know off. At least the dosh isn't flowing my way yet ...

But in the 70s and 80s we had a Church of Satan here, so I wouldn't be surprised.

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Surely they know they'll be caught unless it's plan for foreign cash by NK or similar.

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VPN to somewhere that does have the necessary access?

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Waitaminute- a global platform that geo-blocks people from attempting to protect their copyright?

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