Blurbr sounds like a too hip for its own good online book store that will be swallowed up by the Bezos empire the second it has the audacity to be even mildly successful.

Lazy Marmot is *chef's kiss*. I bet you could give that a life inside one of your fictional universes as the blog of some intrepid freelance journalist...

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I love the Lazy Marmot.

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Could also see it as the name of Sephinas new destroyer/ night club / zoo

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I have actually created a side project, that you guys could check where i gathered like some unique names for different category, if you're interested check it here https://generalnamegenerator.com/

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Yeah this is not at all a sign of the impending Robopocalypse -

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I got Blabblaloo.

I mean really! How dare they!!

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The algo knows all, Dubya.

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