I'm 5kgs down from the beginning of the year. Cut the carbs down but not put. Reduced the beers. I think there are 2-3 more to go, so definitely going to keep at it. Scales can go to all of Dante's levels of hell.

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I have one of them fancy ones too, and it's definitely untrustworthy. For instance I'm reasonably sure I'm adonis-like but it seems to think something else, more at the other end of the scale (no pun intended).

Yesterday we were living in the future; today the future be hating.

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The fucking future keeps telling me I can't have donuts.

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I don’t do scales anymore . I have a pair of jeans that are snug and one a size bigger. I’m fitting in the snug jeans easily now . When they get tight it’s time for more f’n salads and protein and no sugar. Easier than looking at that damn scale .

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Yeah that’s my goal. I have an old, much loved leather jacket that I, sort of, you know, grew out of. Once I can fit into it again, I’ll step away from the scales for good

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I'm not going to talk about my weight issues. My son on the other hand, is in bulking season. He is eating 5 to 6 meals a day plus pre-workout blends and protein shakes. Heavy weight sessions on a program from the strength and conditioning coach with a goal of 106 kgs. He is finding it hard to crack 101 kgs and has been told to simply eat more. I wish I was 18 again.....

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Hah, I have the exact same scale, and 'lo I dinnae trust it (other than as a scale).

Interestingly, this dropped into my mailbox earlier in the week - https://www.strongerbyscience.com/research-spotlight-changes-in-body-composition/.

TLDR: commercially-available machines like that are utter shit

To quote from the summary email:

**Study overview**

​ A recent study by Tinsley et al investigated methods of tracking changes in body composition in

19 subjects who were trying to gain weight.

They reported body composition estimates (body-fat percentage, fat mass, and fat-free mass)

from over a dozen different estimation methods using several different combinations of devices.


To be concise, most of the commercially accessible devices did pretty poorly when it comes to

tracking changes in body composition.

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Just read that article (instead of starting today's column like I was supposed to). Sigh. I'm booked in for a DXA scan next Thursday.

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always wanted to get / feared getting one of those. I know I won't like the result.

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Yeah, my understanding is they can't even get a reading from much above the upper thighs. I trust the basic weight measuring accuracy, but all of that other shit is shit.

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this post has reminded me that my belt is getting tighter and that maybe i shouldn't have put that butter chicken in the slow cooker this morning

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Full o' protein, you'll be fine. Just smash out a 5by5 barbell back squat session before you eat.

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with all this rain we've had i've been doing a lot of pushing the lawn mower out of bogged situations, so that probably counts. I don't suppose the hovercraft has a lawnmower attachment does it? :)

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I think you might need to save up for a crosstrainer and LI cardio. Fat now need to get burned. And drop that damn donut JB!

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Persistent rain's been cutting down my bike riding and lo: the scales say that I'm heavier than usual. Who'd a thunk? Options not enticing. Hoping forlornly for sun.

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I have no idea how those scales can possibly determine body composition. DEXA scan seems to be the not very cheap way to be sure

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I’ve got one booked for next Thursday. $45 with a referral from the nutritionist.

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