Jul 28, 2020Liked by John Birmingham

I always compared writers to uni students writing 2000 word essays the night before deadline. The main difference being those essays generally are non marketable piles of poorly written turgidity backed by last minute perusal of published works for citation reasons. Take out the No-Doz, International Roast and Port Royal rollies and ya got nuffink. So I guess my original premise is wrong. Carry on.

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Jul 28, 2020Liked by John Birmingham

I guess the difference between Rothfuss and Martin is that at least GRRM is actively writing TWOW. I don't know if we'll ever get the final book in the series though, he *is* getting on in years.

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Jul 28, 2020Liked by John Birmingham

It does highlight whilst you can be an amazing writer but the commercial world will also pay for someone less amazing that can meet reasonable deadlines. The late great Douglas Adams I believe was known for driving editors up the wall with slipping deadlines, he loved the sound they made as they wooshed by. I am just glad that Rothfuss doesn't need financially to compromise his maximum octopus to just get the third volume out. Better it just remain virtual rather than be published and be an awful end to a beloved story (cough, GoT cough).

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Yeah, I read Rothfuss on some lonely desert outpost somewhere, back when I still had a career. Love to see the series completed, but not holding my breath.

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That will majorly suck, I’d really hoped to find out the end game of those books

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