Feb 9, 2021Liked by John Birmingham

I'm just really enjoying the way you write about food ...

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The last line in your piece pretty much sums up my feelings about life here, back in the Land Of The Big PX. Yeah, there's a lot to b*tch about, and the disease isn't cutting us a lot of slack. But my how life can be fine, if we just open our senses to appreciate it. People straight up don't know how good we have it.

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oh bloody hell - i knew this lunchtime read was a bad idea. Far out, talk about hungry . . . . oh hang on i just remembered it is leftover spag bog for lunch. You beauty!

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I just made toast and tomatoes with a little local artisanal olive oil. Baked the sourdough yesterday, picked the tomato today. Yum. Right now it tastes so much better than a faded 10 year old memory of Tetsuya’s, amazing experience though that was. Both have their place, both are satisfying on different levels. Good food made with love and care comes in many forms.

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Tomato and goats cheese on sourdough is one of my favourite things

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Doesn't the goat get stroppy when you take its cheese for your toast?

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Or a truly ancient cheddar. One so old it crunches when you eat it.

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Even *me out.

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Jesus H. Christ, there’s a ton of sycophants in these here parts. Where is Havok to even m out?

You write like food is sex. Good.

The wanted, supposedly unattainable, end all.

The golden women (or man) desired, yet out of reach.

I can understand why Boylan is in so much love with his time spent with you.

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Whats the H stand for in Jesus H Christ?

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I'm now thinking about dinner.... My 12 year old daughter text me last week asking if we could have her fave spaghetti tonight - the one with the onion and garlic and things that Mum makes. Two things about this, its my recipe not Mum's and it simply delicious. Anchovies, garlic, sundried tomatoes, red onion, pepper and finished with goats cheese and made saucy with extra anchovy and tomato oil. Thats it.

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As for the perhaps intended simplicity of life, I agree. A good cheeseburger, a cold beer, a good tune, my beautiful wife, my kids and especially my eldest daughter's ever growing little peanut and friends.

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I don't know if this was the point but, damn I am hungry. I have seen this also expressed by the artist Adam Ellis published the webcomic "shhh" and memed as Let People Enjoy Things.

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It is ok to appreciate simple food isn't it. I made a chicken soup the other night. Delicious. Literally chicken, water, and salt. And salt and pepper chicken the other month. Surprisingly yummy.

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I'm with ya, JB. Fancy meals can be amazing, but I'm not convinced they're any more satisfying.

I can still remember That One Excellent Burger I had from a place in town, in the Beforetimes. Much clearer than excellent meals at Two Small Rooms, or etc etc.

Next time you're passing through Potty, hit up Okky for a feed of fish and chips.

Far and away some of the best F&C I've had.. and somehow it's all 100% gluten free.

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Ha! I have twice now stood outside that place and thought about a second lunch

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