It’s just the latest remake of The Seven Samurai.
It took me a while to get around to watching it and I was a bit surprised by what I found. For a couple of weeks there my feeds were full of Snyder-hate, banging on it as Zack’s piss-poor Star Wars rip-off.
First of all, so fucking what if it was? It surely couldn’t have been any worse than the fucking beat-for-beat copy of The Force Awakens? But it’s not that.
Sure, there’s a vast oppressive space empire and a ragged little rebellion. But that’s it. And again, so what? That story’s been told over and over again forever. As has The Magnificent Seven/Samurai.
Even the number of Rebel Moon’s good-looking loners who live by their own rules until they agree to fight the power together adds up to seven. Hard to believe nobody else saw this.
What if you’ve had little interest in anything Star Wars since Return of the Jedi, other than trying to beat one’s sister in law in saying May the fourth be with you before she does?
It was okay. I mean, it would be nice if they did trot out a new storyline every now and again but i was able to tell the kids about the seven samurai/magnificent seven stuff (which i think they used in one of the Mandalorian eps) and how star wars was all just movie tropes anyway because Lucas was a massive movie fan, but now it was just pastiche and too obvious (like a sledgehammer) now its not Lucas anymore. Hopefully the next couple of these movies deviate a bit from the usual seven samurai story and gives a couple of surprises (not holding my breath though). I reckon hollywood is trying to distil the "seven stories in the world" down to three and just keep releasing the same three movies over and over.