Probably "artistic interpretation", but it's interesting that a couple of explicit instructions from the prompt (screen full of errors, tea rests on a nearby table) were ignored. What's the good of a robot that has its own ideas about what you asked it?

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JB, have you been absorbed into the ChatGPT consciousness? I wonder, if you asked ChatGPT to reread the text with you named as the central character, whether it would produce a similar image but with a likeness of you.

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Will said bookclub finally get me to move Chuck Wendig's Wanderers up my list a touch?

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Mmmmaybe. But we'd be starting with Holly.

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Do I have to read any of all of the Holly Gibney background stuff to enjoy Holly?

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I dont think so. This was my first read in this particular story universe, and although there are plenty of references to stuff that happened in the other books, I didn't need to have read them to understand what was going on. Having said that, I enjoyed this so much that I probably will go back and read some of the others.

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I was trying to get the whole Bill Hodges trilogy (the joys of owning a secondhand book shop), but I kept having trouble finding the third book (I mean, I could buy it new, but where is the fun in that; made me realise that there are actually some King books that people must buy and hold onto; which is also the reason, I am going to say, that your stuff is rarely found secondhand).

Might have to redouble my efforts, or cave, buy the box set of the trilogy, and then onsell it to some lucky customer!

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Which one were you after? I think got The Outsider here.

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I ended up selling them off because they'd been sitting on my 'To Read' pile for a while while I was waiting, and I was running low on King (my King section looked awesome, too; had a Funko Pop! King, which was a nice find online). From memory I had Mr Mercedes, Finders Keepers, and could never lay my hands on End of Watch. I think The Outsider is a stand alone that has Holly in it, but no Billy, which a quick google confirms.

I may well still have a copy of The Outsider; I get keys to a new shop front on Thursday, so I'll have a look among the King as I'm stocking shelves later in the week and let you know.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

I was a part of the previous Cheeseburger bookclub (no country for old men was one of the books I believe) happy to be part of the new one. Though probably not going to read the Stephen King one, I'm sure its great just I already have a monstrously tall To_be_read_pile and there a few books I'd like to get to first. Hopefully some of them will appear in the bookclub.

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Definitely up for Zoom book club!

You've reminded me that I'm behind in nit picking the last couple of chapters of Forever Dead, it's been that kind of, well, not week exactly, but you know. I'll get my arse into gear on that 😊

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i might be ready for a book club. Almost at the end of my audio odyssey with the malazan series (been something like 435hours over ten books) and i need someone to pick something for me (lol) that will force me to sit and read. And considering this group is inclined to the same tastes i'm not worried that i'd get stuck reading something completely out of my comfort zone. I did get 2 or 3 books into the Outlander series once just to see what a bodice ripper was like. It was okay, the sex scenes were done a lot better than the usual fantasy/scifi fare but i didnt continue past . . . . . i think they'd just made it to america or something and starting a time travelling family? I thought that was starting to stretch the time travelling portal thing a bit and gave it up.

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ChatGPT- make the author's hair shorter. No, shorter. No, very short. ChatGPT, make the author's hair almost non-existent.

Keen for zoom book-club.

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Where do I sign up for this proposed book club. And is sitting in a replica Eames chair reading the proposed book, while sipping on a whisky and wearing a smoking jacket acceptable in this club?

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