Don't be afraid to mask on the flight or in the airport; I left the Independent Sovereign Nation of Westralia for the first time in 3 years in January to fly to Melbourne for work, and then had two trips to Sydney for work later, and had resigned myself to finally succumbing to the spicy cough since I was headed to the plague states. I masked on the flights and in the airport and have so far managed to avoid coming down with anything, not even a cold, which I consider to be a minor miracle. No one looked at me twice for masking, although I was possibly the only person on the flight doing it.

And go nuts on food; just walk everywhere to compensate for it 😊

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"Independent Sovereign Nation of Westralia" - I thought you guys were using New South Batavia?

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Ooh I hadn't heard that one, that's awesome! Stealing that 🤩

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Not Eating Like A Fuckhead would make the name of a great cookbook...

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I support all these goals, except, "not eating like a fuckhead". Vietnam is my favourite food destination and a place where you cannot put weight on. In Australia I once gained three kilos looking through a bakery window. In Vietnam I ate everything I saw for three weeks (on three occasions) with no visible result. Also the Xi Mah in Hoi An guarantees health and long life so at least a bowl a day.

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This is Conan level great advice 😍

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On my way outbound next week. I think that I have forgotten how to travel! I will definitely be the weirdo with the mask, sanitiser, and anti-everything wipes. I have managed to avoid Ms Rona so far...but everyone I know that has travelled in the last year or so has gone home with it. Fingers crossed for all the intrepid travellers.

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I’m still masked up on flights. I’ve done about half a dozen so far without an issue. But yeah. Everybody I know who has traveled internationally without masking up or taking the usual precautions, has come down with a dose of it.

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Got boostered for COVID about 2 weeks before heading to singapore and Indonesia. Figured it wasn't a bad idea in terms of hopefully not catching the damn thing, plus in case there were any flight/border changes that we might not be aware of, where a random bureaucrat decides that a valid vaccination certificate is required all of a sudden.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

Just mind the carbs and go a little protein rich. So avoid the Yankee fast food joints, excessive alcohol and sugar-rich soda’s and limit yourself to the good stuff. And remember the secret weapon “proteinbars”. You will probably walk it off.

And bringing scales? Stress is a big contributor to cardiac arrests and alike. Don't!

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Good luck (re our infectious life these days), have a great time. No doubt you can take solace from Douglas Adams on deadlines "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by". "I once snuck my digital scales into a sushi joint to weigh my tuna sashimi" - dude get help.

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Currently 11 days out from a holiday in Fiji and the wife has tested positive to the spicy cough.

She'll be OK by the time we go, just hoping that it doesn't decide to slowly work its way through me and the kids.

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Yikes! We had the same situation at Xmas. Jane got zapped by Miss Rona one week out from going to Singapore.

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Someday if you get to the states stop by and I’ll smoke a brisket . Or some Elk backstrap. You’ll have to bring an industrial scale if you want to weigh your portions

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The elephant in the room is not about catching lurgy's but if your flight will actually leave on time/not be cancelled lol

Vietnam is on the long list of destinations i would love to go to one day.

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Spent two weeks literally flying around the world (roughly 47 hours of air travel) and was perfectly fine. Within 48 hours being home my wife and daughter gave me a nasty flu bug! Morale of the story don't stress too much about the air travel when your family will most likely just get you sick at home!

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