makes me wonder: should we kick off an Axisoftime podcast? ;-)

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Have to take a listen. Is it better than Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, which is premium standard in my judgement?

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It's different to Dan Carlin; I would say as good as, but in a very different way. This is an entertaining conversation between two gigantic intellects on the given topic, and then in later episodes they address feedback and questions they've received from their audience which is fun.

Hardcore History is HERE'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ON <INSERT TOPIC HERE> whereas this is a much shorter friendly discussion on a given topic and how it relates to the world we're in today, which just happens to be riveting. This is definitely a "if you like Hardcore History you'll like this" podcast, but I think you'll like this but for different reasons than liking Hardcore History 😊

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Ok, sold. Downloading an ep now

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Wonderful! Let us know what you think. Of course if you hate it we never had this conversation 😂

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been a part of my regular podcast list, great stuff.

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I love this podcast SO MUCH and I can't remember how I found it or who may have put me onto it so I can thank them.

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IKR. I'm listening to the pre-final Eng vs Italy ep now. It's glorious.

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