The whole thing just reeks of pseudo half read , half assed post modernist academia. That sad old chestnut that nothing is original and it's all copied, along with death of the narrative defies actual reality.

Much like post modern thought defies reality, especially the absolute bollocks of perception is reality and there is no objective truth.

A bunch of sociologists got together and tried super hard to make their subject seem relevant and instead downgraded it to be easy to digest rubbish with a load of French smug scepticism dolloped on top. Every time in the art world someone gets caught out for copying the pomo excuse of appropriation and originality is rolled out to the cheers of lazy assed badly taught academics, lazy arts writers and the cargo cult conga line of suckholes. If narrative is dead, then why are feature films, novels and story telling music still so popular?

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It amazess me that the post-modernists that you mention never stop pontificating long enough to notice all of the actual, delightfully new ideas that people do come up with, all the time. They're like the venerable Jorge denying Aristotle's Poetics: "there is no progress in the history of knowledge merely a continuous and sublime recapitulation."

Of course there is also a lot of not-very-interesting or new work too. The law of large numbers pretty much guarantees Sturgeon's Law, but the corrolary is that there's 10% that's really good.

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Speaking of splodey stuff, I wish whomever is including Metal Storm references in those ghost written Clive Cussler books would actually unleash said stormy goodness sometime. Oh and also a decent sex scene. 😉

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now do Patterson's rant about no one is publishing 52 year old white men.

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I can't because something something discrimination.

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Have you been keeping tabs on anybody possibly plagiarising your human surging wave line?

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I have a law firm on retainer for this

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bahaha. Look, personally i think your book should have gone with August or maybe January depending on which side of the equator you want to sell the book, as blue tends to invoke cold and winter. But now i have mentioned it you can't bloody use it alright! I'm keeping my eyes on you Birmingham (making motions of fingers to eyes and then in your direction)

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I was thinking November but it wasn’t Octoberry enough

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So here goes my attempt at a post modern relativistic comment . Which may fall flat on its face even to me. The problem with trying to come up with something new and original is that stories , theatrical or literary, must use language to convey their meaning. Language is structured . Be it a sentence or paragraph or script . Beginning and end . Just like life . There’s my 2 cents.

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