20 minutes is long enough to work out whether I know, or can work out, how to fix something or know that it's way past my level of competence.

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Not a specific answer to the question 'how long should I spend fixing a technical issue' because individual milage may vary due to experience, knowledge time available, patience and whether or not you feel like your life is racing to the grave. But the inimitable XKCD did post about a similar conundrum https://xkcd.com/1319/

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Stop using Microsoft products on a hostile OS.

A pass key is just something like your face, your fingerprint, voice recognition, that sort of thing. Any alternative to a password basically. The idea is to remove usernames and passwords to make accessing devices more secure, so even if Joe Bloggs the Corporate Espionage agent gets into your building, he can't sign into anything because he's not recognised. Combined with multi-factor auth, it is the future.

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Is proportional to the likelihood of getting someone else to solve it for you.

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I am at that stage too. ms insomniac needs an eSim for when she goes to the US next week and I can't be arsed finding out how to help install it. I mean I listen to the YouTube but, well...I'm going to enlist the help of the young peeps instead.

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It basically comes as a message to the phone. Easy peasy. ;)

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