In the US, some of the talking heads are of the opinion that Putin has changed mentally over the last several years. It would explain a lot. I'm not sure what his end game is here, but it can't end well for anyone.

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I think he's been pretty up front about his endgame. The re-establishment of Russian strategic control over eastern Europe. We often wonder 'why would he do this' simply because such naked Hobbesian power plays haven't really been a feature of the first world global order since 1945.

Having said that, though. Yeah, he looks like the botox has affected his brain.

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Yes, I've not seen it, but the reports I've read of his long justification speech say that he barely mentioned NATO: it was all about how Ukraine was naturally part of Russia, and always would be. (https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/02/23/putins-aggression-nato-myth/)

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To quote on of my fav authors…It’s a “Right fucking teddy bear picnic” . Rereading Final Impact in anticipation of WW 3.1. Hopefully we all survive to read it

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Sounds like our prime minister, but more competent.

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