Sep 9Liked by John Birmingham

and yet who among us hasn't at one time or another emailed themself with some important reminder to follow up after work, a book by a new author, a prompt to subscribe to a new podcast, a detailed criminal plan to make money like 1. Collect underpants 2... 3. Profit.

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Thinking about all those AI coppers, mining people's emails for notes on how to commit felonies

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we are in the midst of a local election dirge and one of the incumbent old white dudes that were part of the problems over the last ten years (going from a surplus to a deficit) put out an AI generated election propaganda piece. It was lyrics about his election furphies . . . i mean promises . . . all set to the background of a young indigenous rapper. Almost, but not quite in the vein of someone like Birdz or Baker Boy that sort of thing. So bloody offensive that they can mine this material with impunity from people who are the very definition of having everything ripped off from them. Now they have to suffer the indignity of AI trawling their voices and using them to prop up some old white guy. For a council that just recently tried to eradicate a traditional ceremonial ground for a go kart track. Supporters that stand for the lords prayer and then pointedly sit for the acknowledgement of country at council meetings. A town that was the site of martial law when the local first nations people fought back so successfully that the governor of NSW had to send troops out and no-one talked about it. Phew, that had been boiling for a while! Good to get it out somewhere. Sorry everybody :)

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I'm afraid I cringed so much in the first four lines of this comment that I broke my neck and was unable to read to the end. I assume it all worked out for the best.

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ha. Reader, it in fact did not work out for the best

not really a fan of AI unless it can help me solve my excel problems :)

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Numbskulls will be the death of us all.

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Where do I report an error I encountered on this website?

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