I thought this was familiar, well worth a re-reading. Can we agee to never use the word 'frolleagues’.

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I love you. No question. Never met. I consider you kith and kin. This. Will you close your eyes to me?

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I needed to read this tonight. Thank you JB. I even liked Tasmanian Babes Fiasco

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I think it’s a bit related to that phenomenon of retaining a great affinity for the music (and music styles) of the music you liked in a certain period of your teens.

With those friends (as JB describes) who are really special blood brothers and sisters, I think it is those people you bond with when you are still forming as an adult. After about age 23, it’s probably unlikely you’ll get another.

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Thanks JB. You've inspired me to reach out to a friend who I thought had faded into the mists of history. Hopefully it will go well.

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