That is a grim tale of woe indeed. After a period of flaky power at our place many years ago I bought a hefty UPS. Still, I hate computer systems that will let you lose work. Insist on auto-save. Preferably to stable storage on some different computer, in a different place... Laptops and phones, with their built-in batteries are a step in the right direction, but software authors can still screw it up for no good reason: it doesn't take much effort to just make sure work is safe every couple of seconds.

(The tale of Dragon Dictate vs Goldman Sachs vs L&H is also a tale of woe. Never used DD myself, but I'm not entirely surprised to hear that it's not getting much corporate support.)

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Ugh. About two versions ago they got it to the point of near perfect usability and stability. But of course you can't charge upgrade fees for perfection. So they fucked it. Then they abandoned it.

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Disaster! That hurt just reading about it 😭

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To paraphrase the words of those great English philosophers " You get knocked down, you get up again, you'll never keep you down". Sorry to hear about the loss of work. "make a toasted sandwich, smoked salmon and Philadelphia cream cheese if you're wondering" I was so thanks for letting me know.

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That. Hurts.

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Yes. It did.

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Horrible. This is one of my greatest fears. I thought I lost the original manuscript of my first book once.

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