I love early mornings. Especially in winter. I love the silence and the lack of people. I also like night time, for the silence and the lack of people.

I won't be taking any further questions.

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I go walking at all hours of the night, in the city, in the suburbs, in the country. I love the quiet, I really find the daytime overwhelming and hardly ever welcome a new one with a smile. I love the dark, and the coolness (although nights are much more noticeably warming than days, over the last couple of years).

The one thing that annoys me about being a night owl is everybody's concern “don't catch the train/walk through that park/leave the house after dark” - Queenslanders warnings involve a frantic tone like they genuinely believe you'll be killed within minutes if you break with the statewide convention of having the doors and windows locked, blinds down and lights out by 9pm.

Coming from Adelaide, where during summer you can find families at playgrounds or at festivals well after our nearly 9pm sundown, it smacks of fear, but not of murder or mayhem…fear of the dark. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. In Mediterranean countries cafes and restaurants are bustling until very late and these people visiting Queensland in particular but also Australia more generally wonder that we haven't dropped dead from boredom.

There's a few reasons I became a night-dweller but by the time I was 14 I had basically set my internal clock.

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Well congratulations and you are, as you are no doubt aware, a machine. (hopefully one like Woody Guthrie's guitar).

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Unfortunately all my dead fascists lie on paper, not dirt.

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I so wish that I could do early. I have done them through the children years. I have done them through the work years. It never took. And, because the universe is a bitch, I have married an early riser. So I will probably go to my grave feeling guilty for "wasting the days". I would love to make it my thing but I appear hard wired for the opposite. Good luck to you all and your productive days 😵‍💫

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I'm totally not a morning person. But I too married one.

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Gosh what a way to start the year! Well done sir!

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