What is General Revenue Assistance? Oh, nevermind, Google told me. Its state funding.

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where does the couple of 100billions for nuclear subs fit in? that 39.0 probably won't cover it.

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No it won't. That little blue sliver will need to grow by about 2mm over 30-60 years. With luck, it will remain the by far the smallest of the major spending categories. However, if and when Xi Jinping decides he absolutely positively has to have Taiwan or nobody else can have it, that small blue fraction will devour the rest of the budget.

For me the interesting thing isn't the size of the spend. We already spend more in twelve months on social policy than we will spend in 50 years on the subs. Fair enough. We could and should spend even more. Except that rich people refuse to pay tax.

That's the problem here. Not the cost of the program/s. But rather the unwillingness of the richest cohort to make any contribution.

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yeah, that's the rub. Already to opposition potato has called for cutting the NDIS to fund the subs.

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Yep. Scrapping the stage three tax cuts would nicely cover the bill. You want to rebuild the health sector, phase out negative gearing. Boost education? Wind back superannuation breaks.

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Sooo after 2022 we're not expecting to spend any more money responding to COVID? Cool cool cool cool cool.....

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