Me is writer. You see me good writer. Me too hungry. Verry hungry. Where is you caffe!

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what's the wifi password?

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Get out.

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Very European of you to be opening after 5pm.

Will you be offering real books alongside the real (non Murdochian) newspapers, or are you loathe to encourage people to stick around that long? I know a couple of promising authors who would probably benefit from the exposure. A messers Birmingham and Lambright are doing interesting things in alternate history lately...

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There is a small borrowing library

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Will the writers be the only ones allowed/encouraged to smoke opium and drink absinthe?

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Better have a walk up window for us slobs after 5pm then.

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The bouncers will see to you.

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What is the charge? Drinking a latte? After 5pm? Oh, that's a nice head lock sah!

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Does that mean you have to wear jacket over our t-shirts? Oh, and I don't have dog, but my significant may have a purse made from our departed family pet Snuggles. I'm an artist so that's allowed, but least about that the better. The only good thing was being able to invoke the artists right not to explain myself.

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Jacket over T-shirt with jeans was the formal 'young writer' look in the '90s.

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What is the house policy on folk singers and kilt wearers?

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Jacket over t-shirt with kilt?

And only your best sporran.

No man-bags with kilts.

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Sgian-dubh allowed, I assume.

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I like your thinking, fine sir.

Someone has to keep the poets, real estate agents and folk singers in line.

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No cyclists means no one who has ever ridden a bike? Or just no one in sweaty Lycra and the clicky-clacky shoes?

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Not a cafe bloke…and around here there are more cafes per square inch than most places. I am going to speak up for the cyclists though…former cyclist me, may return to it. Wiley is mad keen and very good - Aussie champ, rides 100s of kms a year, and she rips into cyclists spreading machinery all over the place too!

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Lighting is important for ambiance. Will there be seating next to an open window onto the street for sunny days passerby watching, or will it be a den down a side alley kind of thing? (like, underground down some steps with high windows at street level where you can only see feet go by)

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There must be breakfast mince on toast on the menu, served with 2 runny poached eggs on top. Sign of a truly great café.

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Okay I am just about sold. But... In relation to ambience. Is there wood panelling and what music is played? And do you heathens in the north even know what a magic is in relation to coffee?

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