I was heading to my office yesterday afternoon, determined not to have a nap, not to faff around on the internet, and determined that I would absolutely crush at least two and a half hours of apres-lunch productivity. And what did I find when I got there? Two gigantic pools of dog vomit full of eggshells and the cardboard packaging from which those eggs were stolen. I had been wondering in the morning why we’d gone through the eggs so quickly, and now I know.
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This is vicious slander. There is only circumstantial evidence that a doggo was involved in this caper. In fact there is strong evidence that you are at fault for having purchased the eggs and left them where unidentified assailants could access them. Teddy's lawyers will be in touch 😠
I had a similar experience the other day when I took my chocolate Labrador to a friend’s house for my reasonably regular afternoon gin and tonic. He also has a chocolate Labrador (who is much better behaved than mine). Mine tottered off and came back looking far too pleased with himself than he reasonably should, and I know my dog well enough to go and investigate. My mates’s son had unfortunately had a party the night before and had left a large amount of takeaway food on a table in a completely different part of the house. It wasn’t clear what my dog had eaten but we later found out it was three Macca’s cheeseburgers and about 40 chicken nuggets and some sauce, the squeezy containers of which we found in his poo the next morning. He was not a happy camper last night and he’s looks to my trained eye to be about the size of a beached whale. He doesn’t understand why he’s on a strict diet now. So I understand your pain John. In my experience there are Labs and there are Labs. I often say to myself, why didn’t I buy a Chihuahua..?