I do love this trilogy. Review(s) soon.

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You can so see Capaldi as MacLennan, that comes through loud and clear in both books 😍

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Yeah, and Bella Ramsey as Alessia, Dave Bautista as Jadi Cotto ...

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Dave Bautista as Jadi Cotto! *chef’s kiss*

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Maybe in the Forever Dead David Tennant can get involved (attempting to avoid spoilers)

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I look forward to a fictionalised Mytilene debate (sans jokes about revolting Lesbians which are rather less funny than they were to all-boy school students 40 years ago)

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Seeing i had the covid last week i'm waiting to get into town to my bookstore for this. Technically the good ol gov says i can wander around town since Monday, but being a bit cautious. Also been musing about all these supply chain issues and the link to the end of days books.

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