I never consciously chose to boycott Spotify, I just never started using it, and now I am vehemently resolved never to do so šŸ˜¤

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Me too

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A muso friend of mine linked this article and it does make me want to drop spotify, but jesus, it is hard, because it is so utterly convenient. I can find almost anything I want to listen to. To be clear, I pick bands, not playlists. And metal is a lot harder to manufacture than other types of music, I imagine.

Maybe if the music industry unionised they could rally against Spotify...

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That truly sucks

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I'm sure Jane knows someone who might want to chase Spotify for your and others royalties

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I have a friend that has music up there (his "band" is The Dressing Gowns) and I think he said something like it'd take him 128 years to make 5 cents based on the fact he gets about 5 people a week listen to him.

Most of the time I forget I have Spotify and just jump on YouTube when I HAVE to listen to one song right now!!! (Hello to Bob Dylan's Country Pie)

Actually, thinking of Bob Dylan, they didn't even have the album I was looking for on there the last time I jumped on and spent 10 minutes trying to find it.

*wanders off to yell at clouds*

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That doesn't seem just.

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No, no it does not.

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