Shit! Where’s Super Dave and his magic maul when you need them?

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I'm going to need a moment.

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who looked at the really popular, very successful Japanease Playstation game franchise/manga and said, you know what this game needs to be a movie - the United States Military?

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That... wow. I'm definitely going to the cinema for that!

Minor nitpick... what's the deal with movie monsters being all grey and boring in colour? It started with Jurassic Park and it seems to be standard for every monster since. Some of the most dangerous animals in the world are brightly coloured, why can't movie monsters be a bit more colourful and interesting looking?

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Maybe they just need a wash?

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Don't you dare bring logic into this! 😂

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sounds like it could be some kind of a business opportunity. I already have the jingle ready . . .

"I was working in the shop, late one night

When my eyes beheld a dirty sight

For my monster from his kill, began to rise

And suddenly to my surprise

He needed a wash, a monster wash

A monster wash, it was a suddsey squash

A monster wash, . . . . . . " well you get the idea

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That's cool and everything but did you see the Mandalorian blow up a krayt dragon from the inside with a loaded bantha ?

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