I read a decent modern day retelling of Dracula a month or so ago - Fangland by John Marks; one can never have too much Dracula!

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There's enormous scope. Kim Newman did a phenomenal Dracula/Jack the Ripper mashup a long while ago.

Cthulhu as the minister for propaganda or whoever the head honcho is in 1984 could work.

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You've discovered what I have called "the law of the internet" for many years: Think of anything, search for it on the internet and you'll find that not only has someone else already thought of it, they're selling it. Or have at least announced it. Infinite monkeys at keyboards, as they say.

Interesting idea about novel diarizing though. Would be interesting to read one from point of view of the minion of Miniluv that had been tasked with keeping an eye on Winston the whole time (and all of the parallel goings-on of the rest of his "flock").

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if I may gush a little "thats so cool"

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Speaking of lovecraft - i watched that Nicholas Cage movie Colour out of Space the other day. Serviceable for what it is. It was never going to set the world on fire and its always weird watching Nicholas Cage in film (is he a bad actor with good connections or a good actor in a tight spot?), but fairly entertaining anyways. Mind popcorn.

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I saw a write up of that the other day. Looked interesting. That's a weird thing about the insatiable need for content these days. You get write ups of old movies and tv series all the time.

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Yeah, but is it helping with the maintenance bills on the hovercraft?

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If you rearrange the letters of H.P. Lovecraft, you get P.L. Hovecraft...

Could be something in that.

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We're through the looking glass here, people.

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Yes! There could be!

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People's Liberation Hove..craft . . . . . . JB did . . .. China give you a hovercraft for writing WoC?

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