Likely it will be different for her.... likely better.... one generation plants the tree and the next gets the shade. But damn if this new bunch doesn’t like complaining about how the tree was planted

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I think I'm gonna steal this, Bill.

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I’d be honored.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

I assume that you've been emphasising to her that your 'Felafel' works are purely fictional with no basis in reality.

It'd be really funny in the next house if she shares with an offspring of one of your ex housemates.

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In Brisbane that is almost guaranteed to happen.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

This might narrow the field of suspects down in the War at the very least.

Are the water bottles still in the sink?

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No. They are in the fridge. Where I put them after filling them.

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You... you CAVED?? John.... 😱

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I did not. My wife decided this war was not worth fighting.

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Have you considered if she is the guilty party?

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

So she'd rather move out than fill the water bottles ... or have you now narrowed your options as to the culprit?

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The net tightens.

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Don't let her read that sharehouse nightmare book by that Brisbane bloke, John SomethingorOther. I gave it to my son to read and he still hasn't left!!! I've hidden from Son No.2 and the daughter as I want them out ASAP.

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Hahaha. Oh man. The second time I read it I was like - not again. Never read that again. Scared the crap out of me.

I mean, it's great if you've got an escape route, like a paid off house or good job maybe?

But honestly, as a young share-houser, it was pretty informative and eye-opening. Of course entertaining with a spot of "oh, come now - that'll never happen to me". I'm glad I read it. You've got a cast of characters um, caricatures that are relatable. You know? Enough common share-house grips that you can cringe along with - "Oh crap. I do that! Woops. Better shape up." And comic relief moments - see - I do that! I'm not that weird!

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Aww. Leaving home. So cute. Maybe. Don't know how old she is.

Just spent some time with family including my now-teenage neices. I'm like, aww darlings. Soo smart. A lot to learn. All that stuff. Talking with my brother a bit about our share-housing. The brave soul took me in at like, 16 or something. Well, I was 16. My first share-house.

Feeling ya.

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