I'd happily discuss a recent Netflix series 'Blue-Eyed Samurai' (whilst drinking Japanese whiskey). Highly recommend

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I really enjoyed myself, it was great to talk with people who saw different things in Holly. I'll be following up on as many of the recommended books, shows and films as I can. Thanks for running this JB, and look forward to the next one!

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obviously the questions is what book/movie/TV series is next?

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I was about to ask for examples of 'cover movies' covers for what I thought and then re read the sentence. English is weird.

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The chat was most excellent and the recommendations will get a workout. Thanks for organising JB. There was a logistical issue where I didn't appreciate the duration of the chat and only assigned one drink. Rookie mistake which I shall rectify next time.

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It was good to chat about something with some different people, especially books which is usually a lonely exercise for me as no-one is reading it at the same time. Living rural i also have a pretty small group of contacts as well. Next time i will eschew the seltzer (lime fizzy water, terrible experiment and not a fan) and rely on an alcoholic drink with a bit of flavour as part of the alcohol. Locally have a distiller who makes a fantastic spiced rum at a level where you feel guilty drinking it with anything but ice. Biggest plus of the event was coming away from it with a few leads to follow.

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Would love to participate. I was an (abortive) member early last year - “the splendid and the vile “ which despite my early reservations I did end up enjoying.

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