It beats a vist to the fracture clinic JB...

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It really does

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Was there a video? I would like to see that, maybe from the dog's perspective would be awesome. But well done, glad you didn't clean up the dog. Hows the apprentice baker going? Any Portuguese custard tarts yet?

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hey man, big fan of your books... get ready for some medical advice from a random commenter on the 'net... i used to get bad migraines but now consider them mostly "fixed" by avoiding foods containing Tyramine. It requires a tough, miserable commitment to a radically altered diet. Start by avoiding all ripe fruit (esp bananas), all cured meats (salami, ham, etc), all nuts, and cheap chocolate (esp Cadbury) (but milk Lindt is ok in small qty).

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Thanks, Neil. Where the murder headaches are concerned, I'm always interested in other's experience and advice. Mine tend to be stress and sleep (or lack thereof) related. To the point where I could program a migraine if I felt like it. I knew this one was coming for a while because of my broken sleep and deadline stress. But I will look into this Tyramine thing.

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Yes for me too there were always triggers like that but they seem to go away after a couple of weeks of careful diet. The brain is a complex thing so maybe there are multiple factors in play. Maybe the Tyramine sets the stage for whatever the triggers cause. But it could also be a correlation - eg when we are stressed or up late working a deadline, we eat snack foods like chocolate and nuts and it is actually those that are the cause of migraine. Anyway, best of luck!

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