more than ten hours…could barely raise my arm…doom scrolling…sure

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I once fell asleep reading in bed with my iPad and clocked myself in the forehead with it. Apart from being an awful way to be woken up, I ended up with a huge bruise between my eyebrows. One of my colleagues noticed and was momentarily alarmed when he saw it and I had to explain what happened so he wouldn't worry I was getting beaten up at home (despite living alone). He LOLd very hard at my explanation, and that bloody bruise took ages to fade away.

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This was a very common injury in the days of the early, heavier iPads. I've done this one too.

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I learned very quickly to ensure my iPad leaned away from my face in bed so that if I fell asleep it would fall toward my feet and not onto my nose. I still occasionally bop myself on the nose though.

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You don't want Covid mate. I am mid stream right now and its been a week. I am sitting here typing and wiping sweat off, disgusting I know but true. The next moron that tells me its just a mild cold, I will use the harshest language possible on. In saying that, you've had a rough year and I've a school mate in hospital with heart issues so I am actually doing fine. Hope you lose the cold and stay away from the nasty 'vid.

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Sorry to hear this, mate. Everyone I know who's had Covid said it was one of the worst illnesses they'd ever had. I'm triple maxed, masked up everywhere, and really not looking forward to it.

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You’ve had a rough go of it lately. Hope Jason is ready to pick up the torch if things continue to go south. 🤔

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As a pandemic-responding species the past couple of years we've done a great job of preventing all the minor respiratory viruses that are normally pumping up our immunity on a frequent basis. Now when they hit, they hit hard.

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Getting old, old man. I recently discovered a new twinge in my knee when negotiating long flights of steps in a downward direction on a bushwalk on the weekend. Gotta love being able to add new groans and pains to the list

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I managed to seamlessly segue from the rhino to the rona thanks to my son and the outbreak at his school. Be careful, it's rampant in the 'hood.

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Yeah, I know. I'm keeping a very low profile.

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I have some cold thing at the moment that is kicking my arse. Yesterday was all sweats and shivering and aching, but today I seem to have turned the corner.

Multiple RATs and a PCR all negative, but this thing sucked!

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Yeah there’s a shocker going around at the moment. My daughter had it. Not sure how I can avoid it

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