What sort of sympathy did you get from Jane? Mrs W would have asked whether I got an ouchy on my widdle toe, then told me to HTFU, laughed, and then never mentioned it again.

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Ooooh, that is definitely at the more painful end of domestic flubs.

My darling lady had a furniture vs toe episode during a Germanic, School teacher, step-monster driven rage last year (yes, thankyou for your sympathy it is a terrifying trifecta. Next time you need a template for a terrifying (but otherwise beautiful) monster to crawl out of the underworld....you're welcome!).

Over the next few weeks of bare footed hobbling there was also a lot of squirming each time the "How did you do that?" question was asked. Many a chortle was not suppressed in the slightest as the situational context got related, and yeah, I did have a tendency to guide the conversation towards the situational context.

I hope in your case the universe has been unkind and their is no element of karmic rebalance involved!

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“Next time you need a template for a terrifying (but otherwise beautiful) monster to crawl out of the underworld.“

No, no, I think we’ll bury all thoughts of this at a crossroads in a silver casket and salt the earth there for one thousand years.

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Was it a particularly obstinate and contrary piece of furniture, was it from IKEA? At last now whenever you walk in to that room the furniture knows not to mess with you. Bet the furniture in that room gets real quiet whenever they see you now.

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Ugh, toe injuries are the WORST.

I once slipped and fell down my stairs at home, shattered my right ankle, dislocated my left shoulder grabbing the banister to stop the fall, and broke a toe on my left foot. Which ended up being the WORST of the horrific injuries I suffered that day, because my left foot was the one that had to bear my weight while I was on crutches in a toe to knee cast for 9 fucking weeks. The WOOOOOOOORST.

My deepest condolences.

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my goodness that's terrible .

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That sounds like a bad day, Elana.

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It was truly awful. My then boyfriend revealed what a waste of space he was that day by sooking about how uncomfortable he was in hospitals AS A VISITOR.

My mother the registered nurse SHONE as the cavalry. I’ve never appreciated the enormous privilege of being raised by a nurse more than that day 😂

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Easy for me to say, but at least it clarified your dickhead boyfriend's status. May I ask how much longer he didn't last?

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Same! Inquiring minds need to know.

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Sadly far longer than he had any right to. Dealing with those injuries and the looong recovery didn’t lend itself to clarity of thinking, especially where pesky emotions were concerned.

He was terrified of being alone, so he clung to me far longer than he probably wanted to as well, although I wasn’t sufficiently needy for him. He once whined that I didn’t tell him I loved him often enough, and my response was “well I’m with you aren’t I?” (Last of the great romantics me).

He thought that because there was no one else sniffing around that I might leave him for that he was secure; he was quite shocked when it became clear that I would choose solitude (and cats) over him, since for him that was a fate worse than death. Took him a while to accept it too.

Best decision though. Spent the last decade embracing my fussiness and vehemently policing my boundaries and not missing having to pander to the neediness and insecurities of unworthy men.

The trade off has been that with my post pandemic hermitage a worthy man is going to have to come find me in my living room and run the gauntlet of my two cats’ approval, but it’s a small price to pay for happiness 🤣

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That felt like a whole season’s story arc!

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Solitude is so under rated.

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Ouch JB, I've done a toe due muscle spasms, upside it didn't really hurt downside it didn't really hurt. Nerve damage giveth but also takes.. Maybe steel capped thongs and a good strong drink are in order.

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I have bits and pieces of bone in my toes that are separated from the rest, and only apparent in an x ray for something else. I think it was from when I was younger, place kicking footballs in bare feet from a small hollow in the ground, well before kicking tees.

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Little toes are apparently God’s way of telling us we’re too old to walk the earth without protective footwear….

I did something similar a month or so ago, still aching…. That said, I’m grateful that I’m still mobile, even if I do a passable impersonation of Herman Munster first thing in the morning..

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