After rolling in a rotting rat found by the river side, mine got the serious (with dog shampoo) washing under the hose in the front yard, last week. They weren't happy, but at least they were allowed back into the house afterwards. Both remarkably stoic, actually.

Something about stench-of-rat: it seems as though it's a cloak of invulnerability to them. So cocky while wearing it.

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They do love the stink on them, don’t they.

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So out of your Very Good Boy and your Very Good Girl, which one loves it and which one hates it? My money is on your Very Good Girl enjoying a bit of pampering, and your VGB despising it with the power of a thousand suns. Enquiring minds et al 😊

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It’s like you were there.

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You just know Ted is always pondering how much smiting he could do if only he had opposable thumbs.

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Indeed; Maggie seems far more sensible and open to the pleasures of a good bath.

I bet Teddy has opened negotiations on swift and bloody retributions for this insult to his person with the Editing Cats(tm) as soon as he got home.

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Ooh, Editing Cats. Liking that. Oh you're funny.

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Oh thank you, you are too kind!

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Thanks :)

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