Feb 20, 2023Liked by John Birmingham

I'm sure Captain James T Kirk put a stop to all that fucking nonsense. "I'm not...putting...up with that...shit", or words to that effect (Series 2, Ep 4).

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But in Star Trek: Lower Decks we do discover that the Daystrom Institute have a bookcase were they store all evil sentient computers that they create, discover, are attacked by see Lower decks Season 2 Episode 7 "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie"

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Gotta go back to the original series . Season 2 ep 24 . I looked it up . The Ultimate Computer . Maybe explains the reluctance on AI a bit .

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Picard Season 1 hints that the Zhat Vash have basically kept AI from being actually developed by the Federation (and Gorn and Klingons and Romulans and Vulcans, etc).

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I could do with an assistant with some spunk. Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNgOqNNWLQ4

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they did have them but they put it in human form (Data) rather than as a workhorse/servant in things and they worked alongside (or fought against) them.

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