"You’ve seen it before: the awkward subheadings and text that repeats the same phrases a dozen times, the articles that say nothing but which are sprayed with links that in turn direct you to other meaningless pages" growing up in the Australia with the Murdoch press and Channel Nine and Seven media I just thought that was journalism.

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All of the above, plus the grifters trying to drum up business by optimising your SEO. The amount of earnest inquiries the Aus Dems public inbox gets with promises to maximise our SEO on Google and boost our profits is hilarious, both for the fact that we're a political party (so technically not interested in profits) and if you Google the Australian Democrats our webpage is already the top hit 🤷‍♀️

I am BEGGING SEO optimisation grifters to do the barest level of research before soliciting my business 🙄

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So, your saying this place is a meeting of like minded people with common interests and a benevolent overlord. Works percfectly for me.

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The tat free nerd herd . I’m in

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we were bagging out on search engines the other night and i said that they'll use them as punishment for crimes like the total perspective vortex in HHGTTG. They stick you in a room and you type your name into them and it shows how irrelevant you are with the crushing realisation killing you. Until of course you get a Zaphod along who is at the centre of the universe and everything is about them and they proceed to eat the fairy cake. I kind of think maybe our Zaphod is Taylor Swift? She'd probably survive it. Lol

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I'd just like to agree wholeheartedly and also put in a plug for the new search engine that you mentioned a little while back, Kagi: they're doing something right and somehow still producing "good" search results, despite the tsunami of auto-generated nonsense out there.

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For the last freakin' time - I Don't Want to Buy Crypto - I wrote an article on it two years ago and now Google won't stop bombarding me with 'shocking' and 'amazing' crypto secrets in Burnside, SA.

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Recipe websites are a good example of the impact of SEO wrangling.

Often you have to wade thru hundreds of words of empty verbiage to find the actual recipe. But apparently, they have to build their recipe page like this for the SEO. It almost makes you lose your appetite.

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Yeah, the influencer/self-promoting/SEO blah blah click-bait zeroes- I say nuts to the lot of 'em. Rather consign myself to obscurity and permanent non-cool-guy status than jump back on the endless hamster wheel of bulls*t. Count me out.

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