Didn't Amazon still make their Los Angeles drivers do deliveries at the height of the recent bushfires? You'll be fine for a last minute, or current minute, snack delivery.

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This is when all the "waste of time" research into the apocolypse and dystopian futures finally pays off. You will likely be the King of the Westend this time next week.

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cyclones that low are a bit uncommon yeah?

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how many times before these can no longer be considered 'uncommon'?

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according to the BOM and CSIRO, cyclone frequency is decreasing but with the increasing sea temps the ones that do form are more likely to be destructive. I guess that means as temps rise and get warmer sea temps at lower latitudes they can form lower down, as cyclones depend on coriolis, which is weak at the equator where the water is warmest, but stronger the lower you get but traditionally low sea temps means no cyclones.

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Our mutual mate Damo, of Zero Day Code fame, does disaster recovery for the Red Cross in real life (gutted to discover he's not secretly a gazillionaire playing at being a Michelin chef in San Francisco like his fictional alter ego). He asked me to reach out to you to give you a heads up that the cyclone stuff could get a bit gnarly, according to his colleagues within the Red Cross who are probably prepping for Brisbane being ground zero for cyclone landfall etc.

On the positive side, Damo might be despatched to help clean up your fair city post cyclone, and you could recruit him to be your number 2 dude who gets all the things sorted out as you consolidate your hold on your new West End kingdom. Better lay in some extra beers just in case.

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We are in Ireland...so watching the BOM with great trepidation. We have sent our young (early 20s) house sitters home to help their parents. What happens to our house is entirely out of our hands. Just glad that hubby is here and not there. He would normally be doing State government disaster management stuff. The hours on duty during disasters can be insane.

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Others in Capital Cities in Oz gives us Melbournians crap about our weather - I don't recall ever seeing a cyclone icon in my BOM weather app. Take care, stay safe and now I have the anxiety inducing cyclone warning that the news played in the 80s ringing in my head.

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Stupid Canberra with its lack of honest to goodness natural disasters. I'd love to be able to stock up on "necessities"

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catastrophic bushfire has entered the chat

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Oh yeah. 2019-20 and all that, to speak of the most recent example.

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