Is that $100 in USD or AUD? Because in either currency that seems excessive unless it's been hand carved from a piece of old growth forest that someone scrounged after a 3 day hike into an area accessible only on foot.

Although this does present options for the disposal of Mr Lambright's Hell Tree...

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“If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris. He also believed they should be both . Also not go all Marie Kondo on your arse but spending $100 would not spark joy.

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Is that really a use-case that needs a new "thing" to achieve? Doesn't a table top and any other sturdy item, in combination, do the same thing? If you use a stack of books as the other thing, you can probably even find one with a picture of an owl on it...

Speaking as someone who's reached the stage of old-manhood that involves trying to reduce the amount of "useless stuff" that has been accumulating during all of the previous years. Do I really need that huge box of random extension cords and unused power supplies?

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That's a really great idea, but not a hundred-dollar idea by any means. BTW, if you have hundreds of pre-cut blanks, you can knock one of those together in five minutes. For Pete's sake, it's not even proper joints. My bud Mike has his own sawmill- you should see the stuff he builds in his spare time! A tree service brings him whole trunks for free; then, using heavy equipment, he feeds them into his backyard mill. It's impressive.

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You could probs whip one up out of the Amazon box it came in.

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